:: The Materialistic Worldview ::

"Taking something to be so, taking it to be not so or not taking it to be either does not make it so, does not make it not so and does not make it neither" Fred Dretske
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:: 18 maí, 2007 ::

Five Germans in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border. An Italian police officer stops them and says:
"Itsa illegala to putta five-a people in a Quattro!"
"Vot do you mean, zat ist illegal?" the German driver asks.
"Quattro means a four!" the policeman answers.
"Quattro iz just ze name of ze fokken automobile" the German shouts ..."Look at ze dam paperz: Ze car is dezigned to carry 5 people!"
"You canta pulla thata one on me!" says the Italian policeman. "Quattro meansa four. You havea five-a people ina your car and you are therefore breaking the law!"
The German driver gets mad and shouts
"You ideeiot! Call ze zupervizor over! Schnell! I vant to spik to zumvun viz more intelligence!!!"
"Sorry" the Italian says, "He canta comea . He'sa buzy with a two guys in a Fiat Uno."

:: Jón Grétar 14:04 [+] ::
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